She struggled for 10 years. You don't have to.

Nov 01, 2023


“Ali, I can’t believe I have an MBA (with 10 years of experience!)...and no one taught me to give feedback till today.”  - Emma


Countless managers have shared this type of "aha" moment after going through leadership training.


But here’s the best part…


Emma didn't just gain a new leadership skill around giving feedback. She gained something far more valuable.


→ She gained time

No more stress-searching on Google or ChatGPT for canned leadership advice.


→ She gained peace of mind

No more sleepless nights thinking of how to have tough conversations.


→ She gained confidence and courage

No more walking on eggshells during performance-review season.


She gained all this by by taking a 34-minute training which allowed her to immediately apply her new knowledge.


That’s the power of training. It’s so much more than skill acquisition.


Training is a cheat code for you to speed up your growth. It's a shortcut and a darn good one.


"But Ali, don't I need decades to become a leader?"


No! I used to think that too. I was wrong.


Life is short. You need tools, templates and the ability to learn from someone who’s a few steps ahead of you. Once you put your new knowledge into action, you'll be way ahead sooner than you can imagine. (Just like Emma)


Here are some questions to ask yourself.

  • "How would my life be if I could give feedback without fear?"
  • "How would it feel to lead with confidence and clarity?"
  • "How much am I losing by staying where I am?"


Emma spent 10 years struggling and doubting herself, when all she needed was some tools and training. Now she has the confidence and clarity to do what she was capable of doing all these years. She's leading.


Tomorrow, I'll share another story of a client who found freedom after learning to delegate.

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