How to share bad news with your boss


I *hated* sharing bad news with my boss.


I used to do everything to delay it.


I thought delaying it would somehow make it easier.


(It didn't. It made it worse)


Don't make my mistake. Don't delay bad news. Do this instead:


Use the i4 method to share difficult updates.


Share the IssueImpactIdeasInput.


1️⃣ Issue:

Articulate the issue.


2️⃣ Impact

Explain its impact clearly.


3️⃣ Ideas

Share your ideas to solve issue.


4️⃣ Input

Get your manager's input on your thinking



Today you're going to use the i4 method in 3 difficult scenarios.

Scenario #1: You need to tell your manger that your biggest customer is about to churn.
Scenario #2: You need your boss's help with a high-priority project.
Scenario #3: You need to convince your manager to backfill your employee.

(BTW, I'm also sharing 4 questions at the bottom of this post for you to start using the i4)


SCENARIO #1: Your biggest customer is churning. How do you tell your boss?


Here's the i4 in action: 

"I just found out that customer 'X' might churn next week. If this customer churns, we'll lose X% of revenue in Q3. I’m going to schedule a meeting with the client to discuss how we can save their business. I’d love for you to attend. What do you think of this plan? Am I missing anything?"


  • Issue: "I just found out that customer 'X' might churn next week."
  • Impact: "If this customer churns, we'll lose X% of revenue in Q3."
  • Idea: "I’m going to schedule a meeting with the client to discuss how we can save their business. I’d love for you to attend."
  • Input: "What do you think of this plan? Am I missing anything?"


SCENARIO #2: The VP of product is holding your project hostage. You need to escalate to your boss. How do you do it?


Here's the i4 in action:


"I’m having a hard time getting product to commit to our timeline. This is causing major delays. I’ve tried talking to the VP of product, but he’s unwilling to commit. Would it be possible for you to talk to him in your next 1:1? I think that’ll help. What do you think?"


  • Issue: "I’m having a hard time getting product to commit to our new timeline."
  • Impact: "This is causing major delays."
  • Idea: "I’ve tried talking to the VP of product, but he’s unwilling to commit. Would it be possible for you to talk to him in your next 1:1? I think that’ll help move the ball."
  • Input: "What do you think?"


SCENARIO #3: Your team is burning out. You need a backfill desperately. How do you convince your boss?


Here's the i4 in action:


"We’re down to two PMs for the last 6 months, and it’s causing challenges on the team. We’ve had to de-prioritize projects and say no to other teams. The team is also exhausted trying to cover for everyone. I know it's a bit challenging to backfill both positions. So I’m proposing we try to hire a part-time contractor. I’ve reviewed the budget, and we can make it work. What do you think of this idea? Is this something we’re able to do?"


  • Issue: "We’re down to two PMs for the last 6 months, and it’s causing challenges on the team."
  • Impact: "We’ve had to de-prioritize projects and say no to other teams. The team is also exhausted trying to cover for everyone."
  • Idea: "I know it's a bit challenging to backfill both positions. So I’m proposing we try to hire a part-time contractor. I’ve reviewed the budget, and we can make it work."
  • Input: "What do you think of this idea? Is this something we’re able to do?"




(Answer these 4 questions before sharing a difficult update with your boss)


1. Issue:

What's the [ISSUE] you're trying to solve?


2. Impact

Can you clearly explain the [IMPACT] of this issue?


3. Ideas

Can you share your [IDEAS] to solve this issue?


4. Input

Can you share what [INPUT] you need from your manager to make progress?



Four ways I can help you become a better leader:

1. All-In Manager masterclass [On-demand]

  • Get immediate access to 6 leadership courses.


2. 1:1 Executive Coaching [Zoom]

  • Identify your blockers + unleash your performance. 


3. Leadership training [Zoom]

  • 6 live workshops on Zoom with leaders from other companies. 


4. Leadership training for your company [Zoom/ In-person]

  • 6 live workshops on Zoom with leaders from your company. 

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