I've never seen a boss do this

coaching. expectations leadership management standards

I’ve had new bosses come and go. Good bosses, bad bosses, nasty bosses.


Most of them would start their first meeting the same way. They'd talk about work and how they wanted to improve stuff.


​One boss (CFO) surprised us.


Instead of starting with work, he shared a Powerpoint deck with 3 things:

  1. Values — he shared what he believed in.
  2. Failures — he shared his mistakes with us.
  3. Family — he shared what was most important to him.

The slides were on a plain white background. Nothing special. But, it was the words and the intention that had us glued.


​This CFO began by sharing his leadership operating system. He shared his blueprint and built immediate trust.


What's your operating system? Have you shared it with your teams?


Today I'm sharing a toolkit to create your very own leadership operating system.


To save you time, I'm sharing my leadership OS on how I run my teams. I hope these responses give you the inspiration you need to create your own Leadership OS.





This link contains your 100% customizable Gdoc file. Clicking the link will automatically create a unique copy. I've intentionally left this template blank so you can make it your very own.




Good leaders know how to show up. Great leaders go one step further by sharing how they like to show up. Big difference.


Your leadership OS is waiting to be filled out.


Keep leading.




PS: Three ways I can help you become a better leader👇🏻:


1. Executive Coaching

    • We’ll work together 1:1 to identify your blockers and unleash your performance. 

2. Live workshops

3. Private workshops for your company



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